Validity of the Assessment

The reliability of the instrument was established by statistically examining the internal consistency of the items (questions) that constitute each of the competencies. For this purpose, we used Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha. 

An initial confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the clustering of the instrument items (questions) with the associated (hypothesised) competency domains. 

We are committed to periodically conducting statistical studies. The benchmarking norms are updated on a frequent basis. As our database and respective demographic categories increase, your position in the graph may vary slightly.

i4 Neuroleader™ Assessment Design Considerations:

  1. The assessment questions were developed based on recent neuroscience findings, face to face interviews, surveys, focus groups and various tests implemented during the research phase.
  2. A design thinking approach was adopted and feedback on the interpretation of the questions (from different age groups, nationalities and industries) was included in the final design.
  3. The validation of the assessment was conducted by a team of neuropsychologists, engineers, statisticians and leadership experts from Australia and Europe.
  4. The reporting of the results followed principles of positive psychology to help the client focus on ‘what is possible to achieve’ rather than ‘what is not working’.
  5. To avoid survey fatigue the platform was designed to be user-friendly & visually delicious (made with love by a Millennial team). This allows participants to have a pleasant survey experience.
  6. The LET scoring was developed after significant testing was implemented across a variety of groups and taking into consideration what is known as ‘leniency bias’.
  7. The selection of the words for each competency and pillar are in alignment with both organisational and individual needs in mind.