Completing the 360° Feedback Assessment

Welcome! This article guides you through the process of completing the i4 Neuroleader™️ 360° Feedback Assessment and addresses frequently asked questions.

What is this assessment about?

This assessment is a personal leadership and well-being questionnaire aimed at gathering insights from your close colleagues, friends and family on the abilities, traits, attitudes and behaviors that form the competencies of the i4 Neuroleader™ Model (brain/body /mind performance, collaboration, innovation and agility).

The brief information session below provides an overview and introduces the core concepts of the i4 Neuroleader™ Model.

Please watch the video to familiarize yourself with these key ideas 👇

To read more about the background of the assessment & model click here.

How do I start the assessment process?

The i4 Neuroleader™ Assessment process and access to the self-paced online i4 Neuroleader™ Course can be started via the links provided in the email invitations sent from (more on this below).

These emails are sent to you if you purchase the assessment on our shop or if you have been sent an invite by the About my Brain™ Institute on behalf of the organization you work for or a certified i4 Neuroleader™ Practitioner.

About the Email Invitations 📧

When you undertake the i4 Neuroleader™ 360° Feedback Assessment, you will receive the following four invitation emails:

  1. Welcome to the i4 Neuroleader™ 360° Feedback Assessment:
    This email contains a link that will take you to page where you can invite your Raters to compete the 360° feedback process.
  2. Complete your i4 Neuroleader™ Self Assessment:
    This email contains a link that will take you to the self-assessment questionnaire for to you complete. 
  3. Welcome to our Learn Dashboard:
    This email prompts you to create an account in our Learn Dashboard to access our courses and learning resources for development after measurement (if you already have an account in our Learn Dashboard, you will not receive this email notification, just the one mentioned below👇)
  4. You are now enrolled in the i4 Neuroleader™ Course:
    This email notification lets you know you have been enrolled in the i4 Neuroleader™ Course, providing you with a link to access the lessons.

⚠️ To ensure the process stays on track, it's important to promptly invite your Raters (email 1) and complete your self-assessment questionnaire (email 2) as soon as you receive these emails.

Where do I complete the questionnaire and course?

The questionnaire and course can be accessed through a browser on a desktop computer, tablet, or mobile device. The links in the email invite will direct you to a survey page, while the course is available via the learning dashboard, which requires creating an account for access.

How long does the process take?

  • The self-assessment questionnaire can be completed in 20 minutes.
  • Inviting your Raters should take about 10 - 15 minutes. We advise you to promptly invite your raters upon receiving the welcome email to kickstart the process on the same day as getting your invitation. This will provide your Raters with plenty of time to complete the questionnaire for you and minimize any potential delays.
  • The i4 Neuroleader™ Course is a 40-hour, self-paced online program that you can complete at your own convenience. You'll have 12 months to work through the content at your own pace.

What is the deadline for the assessment?

There is a default 28-day completion deadline specified in your email invitation to keep the project on track. This deadline is there to let you know when the system will auto-generate the report. This date is only for Participants to know when the report will be automatically generated, and Raters do not need to know about this deadline.

If you need this deadline extended, please contact the Practitioner managing your project or

While the system sends multiple reminder emails to your Raters, we highly recommend personally and respectfully following up with them to ensure timely completion of the assessment. Note that the deadline is not communicated to the Raters, allowing for flexibility in case you need more time or if the deadline is extended by our team or the practitioner managing your project. Even after the deadline has passed, Raters can still complete the assessment (read more below).

Can I see who has completed the Assessment?

Due to the importance of anonymity, we do not disclose who has and has not completed the assessment. The system automatically sends various reminder emails to your Raters. Upon reaching the completion deadline, the report is automatically generated and sent to you via email, listing the categories of Raters who have responded (but not individual Raters). If a Rater category is missing, it indicates that Raters in that category did not respond (more on this below).

What happens if not all my Raters respond by the deadline?

If the deadline passes, and your report is not emailed to you automatically, it would be because you have not reached a minimum of 5 Rater responses. The system will attempt to generate the report daily until this minimum is reached. Your Raters can still complete the assessment using the same link, which will remain active. If the report is generated on the deadline, and a Rater category is missing, you will need to contact us to manually regenerate the report again if your Rater let's you know that they completed the assessment after the deadline.

How do I choose my Raters?

The 360° assessment generates useful information about the perception of oneself in comparison to the view of others. This enables participants to gain a less biased view of themselves. You can include people to rate you from work such as a manager, supervisors, peers, customers, direct reports and other stakeholders. You also have the possibility of inviting family members, your spouse or friends to participate (more on Rater categories further down).

⚠️ It's crucial to select individuals who know you well and have interacted closely with you for at least six months, as they will be better equipped to provide meaningful insights. Please note that the assessment requires all questions to be answered, so only invite people who are familiar with you and comfortable evaluating aspects of personal leadership and well-being.

What do I say to my Raters before inviting them? 

We recommend you email or speak to your Raters before sending any invitations via the system. Letting people know about the reasons why you are undertaking this assessment will provide context and help them feel part of this process.

It is always convenient to clarify that this is a personal development activity and that you value their honesty and support. Reassure them that their answers are anonymous. Finally, be aware that sometimes people get caught up in their busy lives and forget to follow through. This is why we suggest you speak to your invitees first to gauge their interest before the invitations are sent.


Dear [Insert Rater Name],

I am currently participating in a leadership development and well-being program, which includes the i4 Neuroleader™️ Assessment, a 360° feedback component.

This assessment process seeks insights from individuals like you who know me well and can offer honest feedback to support my growth. I would greatly appreciate your participation. This is not a personality test, but a survey designed to capture how those around me perceive my abilities, traits, attitudes, and behaviours. 

If you agree, you will receive a link from the About my Brain Institute with instructions on how to complete the 20-minute online survey.

I will send this invite by [DD/MM/YY - enter the date you intend to send out the invitation, so recipients know when to expect it].

Please ensure you aim to complete the assessment within a week of receiving the email invitation.

For more information on the process, please visit:

If you want to know more about the program visit:

I look forward to your response,

[Insert Your Name]

Which are the Rater Categories?

There are 12 Rater categories:

  1. Others (2 minimum)
  2. Manager (1 maximum)
  3. Supervisors (2 minimum)
  4. Direct Reports (2 minimum)
  5. Peers (2 minimum)
  6. Internal Customers (2 minimum)
  7. External Customers (2 minimum)
  8. Suppliers (2 minimum)
  9. Friends (2 minimum)
  10. Family (2 minimum)
  11. Spouse / Partner (1 maximum)
  12. Mentors (2 minimum)

⚠️ To generate the report, a minimum of 5 rater responses is required, and you can invite up to 12 respondents in total. In addition, a minimum of 2 responses per category is required to send your invitations via the system, as this helps to maintain rater anonymity (ensure you allocate 2 Raters per category as the system will not sent the invitation email unless you do).

Choose your Raters carefully before sending out your invitations, as you will not be able to delete or change the categories after invitations have been sent. If you need assistance with this, please submit a support ticket here.

You can allocate your Raters among any of the 12 available categories. While it's not necessary to use all categories, selecting the most relevant ones is recommended. Remember, you cannot cover all 12 categories, as you need at least 2 Raters per chosen category, with a maximum of 12 total responses, and a minimum of 5.

If you choose to categorise your Raters, ensure they are committed to completing the assessment. If you foresee that obtaining responses from each category will be challenging, consider placing all participants in the 'Others' category instead.

Send all your invitations at once to give your Raters ample time to complete the assessment. If you need to invite more participants after the initial send, you can return to the invitation screen using the link in your original welcome email. However, it's best to send all invitations in one go at the start of the process.

How do the ‘Manager’ & ‘Spouse/Partner’ Categories work?

The ‘Manager’ and ‘Spouse/Partner’ categories are exceptions to anonymity; their feedback will be identifiable in your report. They will also be informed of their designated category. If you have more than one manager, you can use the 'Supervisors' category.

 ⚠️ Please obtain consent from individuals in these categories before inviting them via the system. If they do not consent, you can add them to a category with at least 2 Raters, such as the ‘Others’ category.


Read Next Article > When do I receive my report?

Additional Resource > Instructions for Raters