Progress Results

Upon completing another Self or 360° Feedback Assessment, your subsequent report will showcase your progress through horizontal bar graphs for each of the 4 competencies and 16 pillars in the report.

Iteration 1 denotes the initial assessment conducted, with successive numbers indicating subsequent assessments. The bar graphs show your percentage scores.


Your new report will display the most recent scores throughout, and within the progress results sections, you will find the percentage scores from your previous reports as documented by their earlier iterations for you to compare to the newest iteration. 

We recommend reassessing yourself after implementing suggested strategies from the self-paced online i4 Neuroleader™️ Course or undergoing coaching. It's advisable to wait for a period of 6 to 12 months before conducting the reassessment. You can buy another assessment on our website or request a re-measurement from the i4 Neuroleader™ Practitioner overseeing your project.


Read Next Article > How do I develop after measurement?