This template can be used when conducting Phase 1 & 2 of the i4 Neuroleader™ Program.
This email should be sent by the leader of the people doing the assessment the day before the i4 Practitioner sends out ‘Project Launch Email - Sample 2’. Please note that this email can replace ‘Project Launch Email - Sample 1’.
Sample Email Text
The Senior Leadership Team has been discussing development opportunities that we could offer to the leadership across the Department. I am now pleased to let you know that the [INSERT NAME OF COMPANY OF PRACTITIONER] will be running a leadership and culture development program for all Senior Leaders in the Department. This includes the Directors and myself.
The Program will run in the form of further deep dive sessions to follow on from the work we did earlier this year. These sessions, combine the latest in brain science, leadership development and wellbeing strategies and consists of a series of activities.
It is aimed at enhancing:
- Leadership skills
- Embracing a future focus
- Respect and collaboration across teams
- Developing influence
- Managing and embracing change
- Building resilience
[INSERT NAME OF PRACTITIONER] of [INSERT NAME OF COMPANY of PRACTITIONER] will be managing the assessment throughout the next few weeks in the lead up to the conference / session / workshop, in which [INSERT HE/SHE/THEY] will be formally helping us to understand our strengths -- and our vulnerability ties -- and what to do about this.
This 360° assessment, known as the i4 Neuroleader™ Assessment, will give you a chance to reflect on your own strengths and blind spots as a leader, as well as gather feedback from 5 - 12 raters. These can be your manager, your direct reports, your peers, your clients, your suppliers, your friends, your family members or any other person from whom you would like to get feedback.
I have particularly chosen this program and assessment because of the incredible resources and the self-paced online learning experience it offers to follow on from the assessment.
- A 40-hour self-paced development online course which is filled with expert interviews from the award-winning ‘Make Me A Leader’ Documentary and the ‘Leadership Is Upside Down’ Book. This resource is filled with reflective questions, 3 eBooks, handouts and practical strategies that will help you make better sense of your results and map a plan of action, enhancing your personal and professional life. You will also receive a certificate of completion at the end with 40 ICF CCE points - see more here.
- A ‘Self-Paced Virtual Debrief’, which is designed to help you understand the i4 Neuroleader™ Report in more detail - see more here.
The program will be rolled out between [DATE] and [DATE] and it comprises of:
- An initial kick off session [F2F or online - adapt as necessary]
- 5 x 1 day workshops [F2F or online - adapt as necessary]
- 1 x 75 minute one-on-one coaching session [F2F or online - adapt as necessary]
- 1 x 2 hour smaller group session [adapt as necessary]
- The kick off session on [DATE] is the launch of the program. In this orientation session we will provide some preliminary information and also answer any questions about completing the i4 Neuroleader™ Assessment, a critical component of the program. For those, who cannot attend this session, please watch the 11 minute Information Session video inside of Step 1 of the Assessment Wizard. You will receive an invitation from the About my Brain Institute to create your account in order to access this Information Session video.
- The first workshop on [DATE] is designed to delve deeper into the i4 Neuroleader™ Model and its different components before receiving your assessment results.
- The second workshop on [DATE] will explore how to achieve optimal brain performance and its role in leadership effectiveness, decision making and self-regulation.
- A 1:1 debrief/coaching session (one per participant) will provide you with the results of your assessment and the creation of an individualised action plan.
- The third workshop [DATE] will focus on communication as the tool to lead collaborative teams.
- The fourth workshop on [DATE] will address how to be an agile leader and the science of the mind-gut connection.
- A smaller group 2 hour session will follow to consolidate important aspects of influencing & interpersonal relationship building.
- The fifth workshop will focus on how to use creativity to create brain-friendly commitments in order to embed the learning, this is the basis of the innovation session.
- The program will end with the final workshop on [DATE]. In this occasion, everyone will have an opportunity to present their learning, insights and reflections.
You will shortly receive diary invitations to these events and dates to book in your one-on-one sessions. You will also receive an email from [YOUR NAME] with instructions of how to get the i4 Neuroleader™ Assessment process started.