Key Information About The New Assessment Process for Participants

From June 2024, our system has undergone some changes. Please read the information below:

Updates on Process:

  • Practitioners need to fill out our request forms to start an assessment project. Our team will set up your projects in the Practitioner Assessment Portal, send out the assessment email invitations and provide access to the i4 Neuroleader™ Course to your clients. We will then provide you with access to the Assessment Portal for you to track the progress of your projects:
  • Participants and Raters no longer need to create an account to complete the assessment. All users will receive an email invitation that contains a link to access the questionnaire (read more here). 
  • Participants are able to invite Raters right away to get the process started. This change has been implemented to minimize delays in the assessment process. 
  • The only account required is the one for the Learn Dashboard, so that participants can access the i4 Neuroleader™ Course, eBooks and resources for follow-up learning after measurement. They get access to this, when the assessment invitations are sent (read more here). The invitation process is handled by our team. If you have renewed your license you can review our updated course.
  • The i4 Neuroleader™ Course is only available with the purchase of a 360° Feedback Assessment, not just the Self Assessment.
  • Reports are now automatically released to the client after the questionnaires are completed. Practitioners will be able to obtain a copy of the PDF Reports when logging into the Assessment Portal for Practitioners.
    • The Self-Assessment Report is immediately sent once the Participant finishes their questionnaire. Even if the Participant is doing a 360° Feedback Assessment, they will also receive the Self-Assessment Report, while they wait for their Raters to respond. 
    • If the Participant is also doing the 360° Feedback Assessment, they will get that second PDF Report with their Rater results after the deadline is met, and they have reached a minimum of 5 raters - to learn more, read this FAQ.
  • The concepts of the reports are practically the same however we have streamlined some of the graphs. Review our new debrief guide here.
  • Read about the completion process for the assessments here.

Updates on Products & Pricing:

  • We have brought back the i4 Neuroleader™ Self-Assessment. Updates on pricing and details coming soon. See sample report here.
  • The i4 Neuroleader™ 360° Feedback Assessment comes with learning resources (The i4 Neuroleader™ Course), which provides participants with 40 ICF CCE credit points and a ‘Brain-Friendly Leader’ stamp. Learn more about this product here. See sample report here.
  • The i4 Neuroleader™ Group Report has been updated (see sample here) and must be purchased. Pricing varies depending on the size of your group. Updates on pricing and details coming soon. Once you place your order, our team will generate the report for you.